Hvert år mot slutten av sommeren samles mye av grottedykkemiljøet i Norge og de nærliggende landene ved Plura under Plurauka (tidligere «Uke 33»). Det startet som en samling med en håndfull utforskere, og har vokst til en årlig samling med 50-70 grottedykkere på alle nivåer. På få dager vokser det opp en stor campingplass full av liv og røre ved kulpen. Om dagen dykker man, og på kveldstid er det sosialisering rundt leirbålet. De offisielle datoene er fredag uke 31 til fredag uke 32 (NB! Plurauka blir ikke arrangert lenger).
Les mer om grottesystemet Plura her.
Informasjonstavler i Campområdet og Kulpen
NGDF har satt opp oppslagstavler i Plura for å kunne gi bedre informasjon om arrangementer, campinfo, gjennomføring av dykk m.v.
Informasjonstavlene er satt opp i kulpen og i campen. NGDF håper at dette skal gi mer samlet informasjon til alle deltakerne under Plurauka. Følg med på tavlene under hele Plurauka, da det vil bli hengt opp ny informasjon utover uken.
Map of the camp site
Here you’ll see the most important locations at the camp- and divesite!
NB! Please note that gas-filling from 2017 has been moved to the Farm/Divecenter!
Parkeringsplassen på campen
Parkeringsplassen i campområdet er blitt ryddet og utbedret av grunneier.
Rydding av vegetasjon i og rundt campområdet
Grunneier har ryddet mye vegetasjon og småskog i og rundt campområdet slik at det har blitt mer plass til telt. Dette har også bidratt til mindre mygg i campområdet
Bord og benker
Det er bygget bord og benker i «veivesenstandard». Disse skal under Plurauka stå i bålområdet slik at alle i campområdet kan få benyttet de. Det er også benker rundt fellesbålet slik at vi kan få sitte å juge rundt bålet til langt på natt.
Det er to utedoer utplassert i campområdet samt en utedo ved kulpen.
Under Plurauka pleier NGDF å sette opp mindre arrangementer, slik som grotterelevante foredrag rundt bålet, tørrgrotting i nærområdet samt en redningsøvelse. Alt foregår i «Pluratid» Følg med på hjemmesiden, facebook, oppslagstavlene i campen og kulpen og småsnakk rundt bålet for mer info.
Grunneier har laget badstu!
- Det er begrenset med strøm i campen. Batterier kan lades ved dykkesenteret (husk skjøteledning/grenuttak).
- Luftfylling foregår ikke i campen men hos Visit Plura/gården. Her er det også mulighet for nitroxfylling.
- Det er kaldt om natta, ofte med frost. Ta med egnet sovepose.
- Lavoo er et bra triks.
- Husk myggmiddel.
- Medlemsskap kan kjøpes under arrangementet. Dette er valgfritt.
Frequent Asked Questions
Q1: How is the logistic, the accommodation, the diving? Do I need to bring a tent? Or sleep in the car? Is it far to walk? Electrisity? Gas?
A1: Quick reply; you can sleep in your car if you want to – or bring a tent (or a camping wagon etc), there is (limited) electricity available, there’s a road to both the camp site and the dive site (one minute driving in between), outdoor toilet, bonfire and sauna. Visit Plura offers accommodation and gas fills (see also the other answers further down).
Q2: Could you give me the exact coordinates where this event takes place?
A2: Latitude:N 66° 16′ 55.8138″ // Longitude:E 14° 43′ 53.5177″
Address: «Plurdalsveien 1495, 8615 Skonseng» (to be inserted in ex. google maps)
From the Emergency plan: «Min posisjon er 66 grader 16 minutter og 56 sekunder nord / 14 grader 43 minutter og 54 sekunder øst. Stedet er: Jordbru i Rana kommune».
Q3: How about registration? Do I have to announce my participation in advance? To whom? And what when I arrive? Do I report my arrival to someone from the organisation? Or is it more like «Arrive – mingle – start to dive»?
A3: The latter :). You just need to show up. No registration in advance is needed. When you arrive, someone will registrate you manually for the camp, and you also have to register at the dive site. It’s a bit for safety, and also so we know what you should pay when you leave (if you stay at the camp etc). You can pay cash, but we also have Vipps.
Q4: What is organised and what has to be taken care of individually? I’m thinking about stuff like: food, sanitary facilities, diving, …
A4: At the camp: There are toilets (not Water Closet, more like the Mexican-cenote style). No shower (but you can swim in Plura in 6 degrees; or rent the sauna). If you rent an apartment, it is WC and shower there (renting that is through Visit Plura, not through NGDF). You have to bring your own food (a food store is situated approx. 20 minutes driving from the camping area). You can keep food & beverages cold in the water (bring your hunting net! :). Visit Plura offers gas fills.
Q5: Is it a problem if I’d arrive on Monday?
A5: No, people come and go. Someone will come one week earlier (or more… doing courses etc), someone come later. The divecenter (Visit Plura) is open outside of the Pluraweek too…
Q6: What facilities does the camping site have? Water, electricity, WiFi, … ?
A6: No mobile signal (you need to drive for approx 10 minute to get it…) (however, the rumours say that it might be Telenor coverage behind the barn), no wifi (not needed – you’re on vacation!). Plenty of water in the river (i.e. you don’t need to bring any water). Other facilities: with some cable stuff you can get limited electricity to your tent/caravan etc. Charging of lights and scooters should be possible at Visit Plura. And we have a bonfire in the evenings!
Q7: Is it something to do there for non-divers?
A7: Yes! You’ll find beautiful nature and great hiking possibilities (and you can pick berries). You’ll find some information here. It is possible to buy (hiking) maps. One suggestion is the the map from Ugland IT covering Rana (two maps; one for Rana West and one for Rana East).
Usually we arrange an unofficial guided dry caving trip to for instance Setergrotta. You should then consider to bring clothes / equipment for dry caving (nothing fancy, but a helmet, head light, coveralls or similar, hiking shoes etc).
Sometimes people also put up a net and play volleyball or similar. Feel free to bring more stuff for other activities :)
Q8: What should I bring?
A8: Wow, that might be a too long list. As a start we recommend you to bring warm clothes (like your winter down jacket, wool, gloves, cap). It is summertime – but it’s Norway and it is cold in the evenings. Feel free to post the question at our Facebook site!
Q9: Can I bring my kids?
A9: Yes :) We welcome future-cavedivers-to-be! (But don’t expect it to be quiet around the bonfire in the evenings, however babycall distance from the bonfire to the tent usually works fine)!
Q10: How are things organized?
A10: It’s «Plura Time» (i.e. a little bit impulsive and laid back). Keep attention to the «word-of-mouth» (we might put some information at the boards, but no promises)!
Q11: What is the water temperature like?
A11: The water temperature in the cave is about 3-6 degrees all year round. Cold season is during the winter, spring and early summer when the melting water runs through the cave. August-September are usually the warmest months.
Every year near the end of summer there is a gathering by Plura; The Plura Week (previously known as «Week 33»). Starting with a handful of explorers the gathering has grown to attract around 50- 70 people. In few days a camp appears by the lakeside. During the day people dive in Plura, and in the evening there is socializing by the campfire. The official dates are from Friday in week 31 until Friday in Week 32 (NB! These are the new official dates, starting in 2015!)
Read more about the cave Plura here.
Sorry, the long text is only available in Norwegian, however, here’s a short summary in English (you should also scroll through the Norwegian text, since some text there is written in English, such as FAQs):
- There are information boards placed in Plura in order to spread information about the Plura Week, the camp, diving etc.
- The parking facilities have been improved.
- The camping facilities have been improved. It is now more space for tents and less mosquitoes ;)
- There are tables which will be placed nearby the bonfire for common use.
- There are two toilets in the camp area and one nearby the dive spot.
- Small events are often arranged during the Plura Week, such as lectures and drycvinf in the nearby caves. Check out our webpage, facebook, the information boards and the small talks around the bonfire for more information.
- Membership can be purchased during the event, but is is optional.
- It is possible to fill air, nitrox and O2 for RBs during the event.